Shopper Marketing is Mobile

I must say it everyday, but am so oftern met by stares of yes, yes, later. But for Shopper Marketing to really work instore it must be with an integrated mobile strategy. A recent presentation by Kiddicare really underlined this.

Chris Lake, Director of Innovation, eConsultancy

"...Last Wednesday more than 1,500 marketers descended on Old Billingsgate in London for JUMP, our annual multichannel-focused event..."


Simon Harrow, Technology Officer at

Mobile and NFC will save physical retail. 

Email is the glue across the array of different tools used in digital.

Kiddicare now generates 11% of its revenue via the mobile channel.

Browsing and behavioural data should drive customer communications. Kiddicare focused on this and increased repeat business from 7% to 14% in six months.